by People IT


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HOW TO MAKE $100 a Day ONLINE PASSIVE INCOMEIs it really possible to start from $0 and earn $100 a day online passive income whilst maintaining a decent standard of living? The answer is a surprising Yes!After reading Tim Ferris The 4 Hour Work Week I decided to apply what I learnt from this book and create streams of passive income by using a method I call the Passive Income MatrixBy following the Passive Income Matrix I realized that once I had enough streams of passive income I could earn $100 a day in online passive income. Using these streams of passive income to fund my lifestyle.
Using the Passive Income Matrix (which I teach in this book) I will show you how to create enough passive income streams earn $100 a day in passive income. This book will give you the tools and resources you need to achieve this.
Is it really possible to earn $100 a day in online passive income or should we all quit dreaming and just stick to our regular boring 9-5 day jobs? Earning Online passive income is the dream of workers worldwide and yet whilst many dream of doing this, few have actually achieved it.
My Top 10 Niches which are evergreen are:
1. Make Money Online2. Health and Fitness (Weight Loss)3. Relationships/Dating4. Information Products/Technology5. Cellphones and Gadgets6. Home Appliances/Tools7. Education/Studying8. Cooking/Recipes9. Pets(Dog training)10. Online Jobs/ Employment
These will typically never go out of vogue and will always be in demand.